Humanité & Inclusion
Indignés face à l’injustice que vivent les personnes handicapées et les populations vulnérables, nous aspirons à un monde solidaire et inclusif, où toutes les différences nous enrichissent et où chacun peut vivre debout.
A propos de nous
Humanity & Inclusion (HI) Is a non-governmental organization with the mission to enable vulnerable people to achieve independence and inclusion into society. HI was founded in France in 1982. Since then, the organization’s activities have grown to include operation in 60 countries. In 2010, Humanity & Inclusion became a federation of eight nation associations.
In Laos, the organization started working in 1996 providing technical assistance to UXO Laos. Since then, Humanity & Inclusion has been gradually upgrading operations to include all vulnerable groups in prevention of disability, rehabilitation, socio economic inclusion, road safety, HIV/AIDS advocacy, civil society support, inclusive education, UXO clearance, disability rights awareness…
Secteurs d'intervention
- Education
- Santé
- Restes explosifs de guerre (UXO)
- Gouvernance et droits humains
- Développement économique local
- Genre
- Handicap
- Jeunesse
- Renforcement de capacités/formation
Régions d'intervention
Louang Phrabang
Vientiane Capitale
Projets realisés au Laos
Articles publiés
Forum de la Paix et héritage de la guerre
Publié le
Voir plusNous contacter
Hong Kae Road, 51/1 Ban Sisangvone, Vientiane,