
Early Childhood Development (ECD)

Humanity & Inclusion initiated its Maternal & Child Health (MCH) interventions in 2008 in the southeastern part of the country before shifting its focus to the capital, Vientiane, in 2014.

► In the health facilities throughout Laos, and especially at Children’s Hospital, the staff was not trained in early detection of childhood disabilities and lacked required equipment for early detection and play stimulation.

► The lack of screening protocol and case management prevents infants and young children with disabilities from receiving care as soon as possible.

Régions d'intervention
  • Vientiane
Secteurs d'intervention
  • Santé
Thématiques transversales
  • Handicap
Dates de réalisation
Source de financement
Montant du financement
Téléchargements :
document 1 Télécharger

Actualités du projet

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